Tuesday, June 07, 2011

In which Kaje proves she's learned her lesson...


 Guh--normally I HATE pictures of myself. I much prefer being on the other side of the lens. But every so often there's the "Oh, okay, fine group photo...yeahhhh...let's do it." 

And then the classic "hold your arm out and take a picture with your phone pose"... 

But you see what I did there? Eh? NO SQUINTY EYES FOR ME! The 'shutter' clicked my face didn't contort into some strange shocked-scared-fishoutofwater visage. I WIN! I WIN This is a bitter sweet moment though, because while I look cute, (I mean, check it, no double chin! No ugly smile. No bad side arm lines) poor Ivan got slammed by the sun.

I may have crazy-windy-ms.frizzle-hair--and a blanket wrapped around me (because it was frrrrreeezzzing in the park. Don't let that bright sunlight fool you. AND Hey!? What did I ever do to you June? Why do you hate me? 59 degrees...)

but I don't have squinty eyes---because I've learned the secret. Have a sun scapegoat, and hide behind the person next to you!

 Which means I owe you a cute picture of Ivan...

 There...all better! :)


  1. There are so many reasons you're adorable :) Love that post! (and Ivan is cutie-pa-tutie!!)

  2. I love these pictures! You are so beautiful. You guys look smashing together.

  3. I love this post for so many reasons! Ms. Frizzel! {Great shout out to Magic School Bus!} Ivan! {Very cute minus the squinty eyes.} The weather comment! {Seriously! June, you suck.} Oh Kaje. I miss your face.

    PS- I think I'm liking this Ivan kid...not that my opinion matters. I'm just throwing that statement 'out there'.
