Sunday, May 29, 2011

Spring City Adventures

It was Heritage Days in Spring City...
{ Uh, Americana much? Also, the ranunculus was blooming. I was in heaven.}

So I took this boy with me...
{ Why is it that the people who protest the most to getting their pictures taken are the ones that the light loves the most?}
 And we looked at old cars...
 {There's something so nostalgic to that old leather and oil smell.}

 {Ohhhhh beautiful Bennion Bowls!}
And marveled at this old church...
 {Beautiful old LDS church from 1904. Could have driven your tin lizzy to hear the preacher. They don't make 'em like that anymore. }

  Enjoyed looking at all the old houses...

 {The one on the left is a B&B.} 

{I love odd front door wreathes, don't you?}

 and chose our favorite-favorite.
 {Pioneer meets Provence?}


{All it needs is some chickens in the yard. Please tell the owners I'll be moving in next week. m'kay? thanks.}
Good light, good food, great company. It was a grand day out.

1 comment:

  1. Ya! It was a perfect Spring City day! How did we miss you? Zina brought home a tiny Joe B bowl, and Xan got a carved feather (aka Bowie knife) from Peel's stand. And we got to ride on Tennessee's wagon. I liked Randall Lake's local art, and the kids liked "Sophie Soprano"'s whimsical town-portraits. My favorite house? the new restoration on 4th South, kitty-corner from ours. Kids' favorite? the DOUBLE trampolines in the yard at our house - very nice new renters! All in all, and excellent day: could have been better only if we had met up with you!
