Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rachel getting married...

No really! My cousin Rachel is getting married!

Isn't she stunning?!

Well I think so! And she's so much fun to take pictures of.


  1. these are beautiful! congratulations to Rachel, and to you for these lovely photos.

  2. Guess who I had dinner with yesterday. I was visiting my friends the Quinns in Maine and went with them to a High Priest's dinner. I sat down at a picnic table across from a woman who looked just like you. I said...are you a Davis? and I had the most delightful chat with your parents! Way to pick good ones!

  3. Elaine! When am I going to see you again? It's been wayyy too long. I wanna do an Eliane photo shoot!

    Carolyn: Yeah, I think I'll keep 'em :) Aren't the Quinns great?! Man I love this small world we live in.
