Thursday, July 01, 2010

I admit it! I'm a junkie!

I think I'm obsessed. I might need help. I think I may be in love with a kitchen appliance.

The whir of the Vita-mix in the morning sends me!

The tang of the lime juice, the refreshing zing of the mint.

AHH! Even the compost bucket, is beautiful! I'm pretty sure I just about broke down and wept over the most perfect mango I'd ever tasted.

And then when I cut this papaya open? I just...I couldn't...

There are seriously no words to describe the beauty. Just angel choirs, and planets aligning.

See the baggies in the back? I made enough for a whole month.

*big sigh

But I don't wanna go to rehab!


  1. Jana, i want a smoothie maker sooooo bad. i just need to save money..... i love reading your blog. my email is i would love to hear from you. love, jenny

  2. This isn't Jana's blog. It's mine, (her cousin!)

    Hi, I'm Kaje. You probably saw the pictures I did for her wedding.

    Thanks for reading though, and yes, save up the money. Car, bike, rent do not compare to the goodness of a vita-mix!

    I'm sure Jana would love to hear from you too! You can contact her at janabarker at gmail dot com.

  3. So our papayas are bountiful, as are our lilikoi and lime and our neighbor's mango...Please. Come over. Feast. :)

  4. "Why do birds, suddenly appear...everytime, you are near?"

    Ok, enough Carpenters. But, that's how I feel. I can so relate to your love of a kitchen appliance. And of ripe papayas. And, yes, a good mango sends me over the moon.

    I just picked my first tomato of the season. I love looking at the beautiful fruits and vegetables that our Heavenly Father's beautiful earth produces. Such miracles!
