Thursday, July 01, 2010

I admit it! I'm a junkie!

I think I'm obsessed. I might need help. I think I may be in love with a kitchen appliance.

The whir of the Vita-mix in the morning sends me!

The tang of the lime juice, the refreshing zing of the mint.

AHH! Even the compost bucket, is beautiful! I'm pretty sure I just about broke down and wept over the most perfect mango I'd ever tasted.

And then when I cut this papaya open? I just...I couldn't...

There are seriously no words to describe the beauty. Just angel choirs, and planets aligning.

See the baggies in the back? I made enough for a whole month.

*big sigh

But I don't wanna go to rehab!


Jenny said...

Jana, i want a smoothie maker sooooo bad. i just need to save money..... i love reading your blog. my email is i would love to hear from you. love, jenny

Kaje said...

This isn't Jana's blog. It's mine, (her cousin!)

Hi, I'm Kaje. You probably saw the pictures I did for her wedding.

Thanks for reading though, and yes, save up the money. Car, bike, rent do not compare to the goodness of a vita-mix!

I'm sure Jana would love to hear from you too! You can contact her at janabarker at gmail dot com.

Katie Davis Henderson: Editor and Writer said...

Mmm, yum, can I come over?

Anonymous said...

So our papayas are bountiful, as are our lilikoi and lime and our neighbor's mango...Please. Come over. Feast. :)

La Quatrieme Gourmande said...

"Why do birds, suddenly appear...everytime, you are near?"

Ok, enough Carpenters. But, that's how I feel. I can so relate to your love of a kitchen appliance. And of ripe papayas. And, yes, a good mango sends me over the moon.

I just picked my first tomato of the season. I love looking at the beautiful fruits and vegetables that our Heavenly Father's beautiful earth produces. Such miracles!