Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Look who came to visit!

{How do I have the prettiest friends?}

My former college roommate, and sweet friend, Lauren came to visit, and brought her sweet kiddo, Brooke! This lady, besides being model beautiful, is a phenomenal chef. You can check out her food blog here at Lauren's Latest 

No really. You should stop by, and give my "Lolo" some blogging love. Especially if you like the sound of "Blue Cheese filled Bacon Wrapped Mushrooms"...or "Lemon Cheesecakes with Blueberry Compote"

{ The last time I saw this munchkin, she was four months old...which adds up to...me being a horrible friend! HA!}

 { Peony trees were in blossom }

 { Aww! How sweet is this? }

So, even though my schedule was crazy, with Nanny duties and running around like a psycho person, it was good to briefly catch up. Basically, it taught me that I'm just going to have to make a trip to Oregon--quick before the Food Network steals her away. Hey, DREAMS COME TRUE!

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