Monday, October 12, 2009

See Jane Swoon...

It's late, and can't sleep. Bonus for you--here's a silly post in a response to a funny guy I recently met, who claimed that all girls swoon over horses.

I laughed at the time, because all 5 of the girls present shook their heads, and claimed it wasn't true.

The following is a list of things that make my heart go pitter-pat. You'll note that, although I find prancing ponies quite nice at times, they are completely absent from this list.

Basically, anywhere that has sky meeting sea, meeting mountains....My heart leaps!

Cascade Mountains, WA
Kole Kole Pass, HI
Kolob Canyon, UT

I positively glow, at the sight of a new National Geographic. I know just how it will sound as I flip through the pages, and just how all those full spread photos will smell. My pulse quickens--adrenaline rush! It's bliss!

IZZE------------'Nuff said

First snows of the year...Powerful emotion.

You might be thinking to yourself, yes, but these are things that almost everyone enjoys.
Now, lest you think I'm not letting any silliness reveal itself in the reality that is a good girly swoon--allow me to introduce the next thing that makes my eyelashes flutter...

A well designed cake plate. I don't know why. I just LOVE them. Passionate love! Yes, unafraid of rebuke or chastisement---I find them to be most swoon worthy.

Someday, I hope to prove my theory that walking though celestial realms is probably something akin to wading through stacks of silk, and walking on soft squishy green moss.

All of these artists create works that could make me faint dead away.

Brian Kershisnik

Albrecht Durer
Nick Bantock
and of course....P.J. LYNCH!!!!!


Sagebrush before/after a thunderstorm. That is the smell of LIFE!

Cedar...Comforting, spicy, and mesmerizing. I wish my room smelled like this.

BOOKS! Old books and manuscripts. 20 swooning points awarded to you if you can guess what this is from... No cheating. And an EXTRA 20 bonus swooning points if you can read it aloud in the original Old English.
Okay, let's just be honest.... Boy smell. Mmmmmmmm!

Walt Whitman.

A good dance class...My mind goes to another place. Also, somehow my body only feels beautiful when it's moving. Tired muscles, and concentrated limbs, and my heart and head still following the rhythm long after the music is gone... absolutely swoon worthy.

Actually, Singing at the top of my lungs. The act of creating through dance, paint, clay, paper, or camera...that...THAT! makes me dizzy with felicity.

There isn't enough room on the internet for how much music plays a part of my swoony-ness.

What's on your swoon list?


  1. Hey, speaking of dance classes ... I think I have your childhood Rinky-Dinky-Sporen shoes in my guest room closet. Give me a call and I will give you your shoes.
