Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cider press & Mom and the Kershisnik

The best parts of Thanksgiving...

Love you Mom.


  1. That is quite the scientific apple-cider do-hickey. Im impressed. I decided we need to communicate more, because I don't want to lose touch with all my artsy-smartsy teacher friends. So did you finish student teaching? I can't remember when you were doing it...

  2. Hola again-
    So student teaching was fun. It wasn't as big of deal as they make it out to be haha. My teacher and I had a good relationship. she was very nice, but pretty controlling about what I was teaching. she didn't give me a ton of I just took what I had. She is very classical...fundamental..lets shade forms for 1/2 a year..and that to me I had to learn to deal haha. I had 7 & 8th graders...I absolutely loved working with the kids and truly truly loved them individually. I learned A TONNNN. I knew I would learn a lot about class room management...which I did but it was a very simple and tell them that you care about them, and show love love love...and they will be good...even the rotten ones. The surprise learning was all about curriculum. I learned way more than I thought I would. In school you dream up all kinds of lesson ideas...but then the actual putting it to the test was really insightful. The different ages, and the attention spans, they don't always go like you imagined haha. I still have a lot to learn, but it was great!! Are you doing yours in Vegas?? The other thing..hmmm...I hateeeee the teachers lounge. Negative negative seriously drags you down and makes you forget why you are even there. When I have my own classroom...ill be eatin lunch there...and not with the other teachers. I did make friends though, its just negative and hard to keep your optimism. What elsee.....I know I'm going to need to change up my curriculum a lot, because it gets a little monotonous to teach the same lessons over and over again. AHHHHH- it makes me crazy bored actually. So haha- ya. I loved it- I love the kids love em. And the fun. Now Im just hoping to find a joB!!! SO thats my long summary explanation of my experience.
