Thursday, March 13, 2008


HOORAY for art trips.

Tomorrow at five-freaking-thirty in the blessed morning we ( the crazed artsy students) will board a twelve-passenger-van and head down to the promised land.

The Springville Art Museum is pretty much amazing

I'm wonderfully excited to see the High School art exhibit and reminisce about having my work shown in a museum as a HS student! (oooh...ahhhh!) It's funny to look at the work that was selected now, because I really don't like it-(self portrait)--and there are a million things i'd change about it now, but at the time I thought it was kind of cool--and didn't realize how cool it was until I saw it hanging there, on the wall. I should really find a picture of the darn thing.

ANYWAY--that'll be around 10ish...and then we're off to the BYU museum, so I can sob and sigh infront of the HUGE nativity painting by Kershisnik. (if it's still up) and marvel at Minerva's work.

and then....who knows! Salt Lake? We're up for adventure and more artsy sights and then back that night to snowy cold stupid Idaho---to have a Zen experience with a wood stove in the early early morning--we're talking three-aaaaa.mmmm...

SO--*ahem Andi!* if you happen to be stuck in a house with children who have exhausted their games for the morning--head over to the museum, and I'll run around with them!


  1. Had I only known! Do I look psychic? Don't answer that -- I know what you're thinking. I can read your mind.

  2. Uhhh, email! Telephone! Smoke signals! But I hear you are in town for your birthday.

  3. It's prolly for the best--there were MAD amounts of highschool kids ( the director said 300+) running around, jumping off balconies, and getting into the water fountain...

    I so can't wait to be a teacher.
